Tri Roller Extruder
- Provides a continuous ribbon of dough to the sheeting system.
- Two (2) 8” Diameter stainless steel extrusion rolls – stationary.
- One (1) 8” Diameter stainless steel extrusion roll – movable.
- Variable speed inverter drive.
- Stainless steel frame and hopper.
- First make up conveyor.
Flour Duster, Top and Bottom
- Dispenses flour on the conveyor belt
- SCR/DC variable speed drive and gear motor.
- Flow adjustment tabs across conveyor.
- Stainless steel hopper and frame.
- Mounted to conveyor frame.
- SCR/DC variable speed drive and gear motor.
- Flow adjustment tabs across conveyor.
- Stainless steel hopper and frame.
- Portable “C” frame tall mount.
- Stainless steel sanitary type legs with adjustable feet.
Cross Roller
- Reduces dough thickness 90° to the direction of dough travel.
- Stainless steel frame and guards.
- UHMW Cross grain rollers.
- ¾ HP gear motor drive.
- Manual height adjustment with dial indicator – Calibrated in Millimeters.
Make-Up Conveyor
- 10 Ga. Stainless steel conveyor bed.
- Pass thru design.
- Endless conveyor belt; monofilament; FDA Approved.
- Ramp up to match oven in-feed.
Flour Brush
- Removes excess flour from the top of the dough sheet.
- Stainless steel construction.
- Triple blade brush assembly with auger side discharge.
- Manual height adjustment.
Pneumatic Cutting Station
- Housing for cutter to cut product into desired sizes.
- Product size 6 ¼”.
- Cutting back-up roller.
- Safety “Interlock” guard.
- Pneumatic adjustment control of position and cutting force.
- Accessory latch rail mounting.
Rework Return Conveyor
- Picks up scrap dough web and deposits it on cross conveyor.
- Stainless steel conveyor beds.
- Conveyor belts: Woven Polyester; FDA Approved.
- Special conveyor mounting.
- Pick-up conveyor drive: Variable speed drive and gear motor.
- Transfer conveyor drive: Constant speed drive and gear motor.